Monday, 9 November 2009

Old Photos - 1910

PHOTO 1. Taken from Bedfont Lane, looking towards Bedfont. The 'Railway Tavern' pub on the left was demolished with the construction of the new Feltham Development. The building in the background are now the site of a car park and a parade of shops.

PHOTO 2. The same view today, the pub and the row of houses have been demolished, the footbridge has been replaced by a
concrete one and the level crossing gates have been replaced by electronic ones

PHOTO 3. Taken from the footbridge looking London-bound. The building in the right of the picture is now the site of Blockbusters and McDonalds.

PHOTO 4. This is from the same view as the picture above. The signal box has been demolished and the sidings have been removed in order for the platform to be extended. The level crossing gates have been replaced and the house has been demolished, and Blockbuster is now situated there. You can also now see the new station building in the left of this picture

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